Starting is Easy
To start your journey, visit our center in al Wasl, Dubai and take a Swing Evaluation with a Coach using our state-of-the-art indoor golf simulator.
This informative, 60-minute session is where you and your Coach assess the state of your game and your goals, while outlining a defined path to help you improve.
What to expect at your swing evaluation:
Bring your full set of clubs and your golf attire including shoes and glove. Your Coach will have you warm up and take several swings with your irons to see your current swing movement and begin capturing your swing video and measurements. GOLFTEC's custom-built software and cameras, along with our AI powered OptiMotion technology accurately measure how a golfer moves.
Your ball flight data and motion measurements are overlayed on top of the video in our industry-leading TECSWING software. Your Coach will then analyze your current swing by combining information from motion measurement, video capture and the launch monitor to identify the key areas in need of improvement.
Your Coach considers your Swing Evaluation and asks you about what you hope to achieve with lessons at GOLFTEC. No matter how modest or lofty your goals, this is the time to talk to your Coach about what you want to achieve in golf. Based on your Swing Evaluation and with your goals and budget in mind, your Coach identifies your key fixes and works with you to build a custom game plan that puts you on a path to Way Better Golf.
Don't settle for a mediocre swing. Sign up with GOLFTEC today and start playing the best golf of your life.
With our comprehensive approach to golf instruction, you'll not only improve your swing, but also your course management, mental game, and overall performance.
Swing Evaluation for $125.
We have a proven way of helping golfers of all levels get Way Better
To get Way Better at this game takes more than swing opinion and theory. It takes numbers, data, and facts and that is where every GOLFTEC Student starts. Leveraging our OptiMotion swing measurement system, our Coaches start with measuring your swing. And this is the starting base for your journey to a way better swing and game.
Swing Evaluation
Get started for 575 AED
The introductory GOLFTEC golf lesson is a Swing Evaluation with a Coach who will analyze your golf swing, and ask you about your game and goals.
Club Fitting
Get started for 575 AED
An unbiased recommendation of clubs that are best for your game from top manufacturers and sold at prices guaranteed to match other retailers.